
Corns and Callus (Hard Skin)
Callus or hard skin occurs naturally due to excessive pressure or friction over an area e.g. over bony areas on the bottom of the foot or heel. When the pressure becomes concentrated over one area then underlying the callous a corn may develop.

A Corn is an area of thickened skin which has formed into a cone shape with a deeper centre, sometimes it feels like a piece of grit or a small stone and can be extremely painful.

Treatment involves the removal of corns and callus to relieve discomfort, which is done normally painlessly. However unless pressure and friction are removed from the area they will probably return. Long-term management will include the podiatrist taking into account the biomechanics of the individual and so maybe try to offload pressure points by various techniques including padding, footwear advice or insoles.

Advice in self-help in the form of applying foot cream will also be offered so making the skin more flexible and so cracks or hard skin will not develop so easily.

Laser Treatment

Ingrown toenail
An ingrown nail is a spike of nail, which pierces the flesh. This can often be very painful, inflamed and may lead to infection, which maybe highly dangerous in somebody at high risk e.g. diabetics.

A Podiatrist can cut the nail and pack the sides to ease the pressure. They can also successfully treat this problem by removing the nail spike under local anaesthetic with phenol acid being added to stop re-growth of the nail. The operation is relatively painless with only the Local anaesthetic being felt and thereafter no pain.There are 2 types of procedure:

A partial nail avulsion (PNA) is a highly successful simple operation under local anaesthetic and provides permanent change of the nail with lasting relief; only the side of the nail is removed. This often looks tidy and almost unnoticeable.

A total nail avulsion (TNA) where the whole nail is removed.

Diabetic Footcare
Diabetics need to take extra care of their feet as something small and harmless can easily develop into something more fatal as they are more likely to suffer from

Poor circulation

Poor Healing

Lack of sensation

Increased risk of infection

Poor eyesight

Diabetics should get into the habit of checking feet on a daily basis and consult a Registered Chiropodist or Doctor if concerned.



Corns and Callus

Ingrowing toe nails

Nails (general care, fungal infection)


Tinea Pedis (Athlete's foot)

Heel Pain - Plantar Fasciitis

Biomechanics (Orthotic insoles)

Diabetic conditions including neuropathy and clinical testing

Special new fungal nail treatment. Little compliance and high success